Sahra, Jeanette and Mikkel form a strong trio on Fisker’s service team. They take care of everything relating to the actual service tasks. The trio helps lay a sound foundation that enables our skilled technicians to perform their tasks in the best possible way for our customers.
Sahra Hjort Normann is the latest addition to the trio. She started working for us as a service coordinator on 15 November. Sahra primarily focuses on coordinating our regular service visits. We want to provide high flexibility and efficient planning that revolves around the customer’s needs. Sahra also organises travel and accommodation for our technicians and invoices our service visits.
Essential for a successful service visit is that the right spare parts are available at the customer site when they are needed. That makes spare parts an essential part of service coordinator Jeanette Woldenhof’s daily work. She establishes an overview of where and when specific spare parts will be needed by our customers and makes sure that these arrive on time. Jeanette’s to-do list also includes invoicing and the coordinating of service visits.
Service Manager Mikkel Søe is responsible for the service team. His duties include planning, human resource management and employee development, as well as new and better solutions for our customers. One of Mikkel’s main tasks right now is to develop and implement a new IT system that will facilitate and streamline the service team’s tasks. He is doing this in close collaboration with spare parts manager Flemming Holm.
Do your packaging lines need to be serviced, or do you have any questions for our service team?
Please feel free to contact us any time at:
Tel.: +45 8793 8222