Posemaskiner til åbne sække og poser er ideelle til pakning af alle former for bulkmaterialer, pulver og granulater af enhver type. Linjen af posemaskiner er designet til at opfylde moderne krav til emballering samt dække ethvert behov eller ønske for indpakning. Den specielle håndtering af poserne sikrer, at de for oven under hele processen (før, under og efter påfyldning) holdes fast, indtil de er lukket. Disse funktioner gør maskinerne ideelle til pakning af fødevareingredienser, foderstoffer, byggematerialer, mineraler og kemikalier. Dvs. i alle sektorer hvor rengøring, pålidelighed, effektive og sikre lukkemetoder er afgørende. Maskinerne kan anvende forskellige lukke-systemer (standard, foldning og syning, crepe papir eller tape applikation), eller være udstyret med forskellige lukkeanordninger som varmeforsegling, limning og falsning.
Andre fordele ved disse maskiner er, at de er modulære opbygget, hvilket betyder, at det er nemt at tilpasse maskinerne til kundens fabrikslayout.
Key features:
- Easy clean electronic weighing system using gravity and vibrating canals.
- Multi-positioning bag compartment
- Single bag flip through
- bag filling system which does not deform the gussets.
- Transfer of the full bag towards the closure line
- Different closure systems even for single bags
- The possibility to work with any type of open top bag, with or without gussets, with external handles and/or glued, pinch top, with internal zipper or top slider and bottom pinch bags
- Works with politenated paper and compound materials such as; poliester+pe (laminated bags), poliester+allumnium (metal bags), alluminium+pe (barriered bags).
- Very compact in a robust monobloc structure, completely closed with lexan pannels which meet health and safety regulations currently in vigor.
- Easy programme changeusing by a touch screen
- Complete control of the expulsion and correct positioning of the empty bags up to the filling station
- bag movement and closure precision guaranteed by the consistent manner the bags are held via holding devices
- Removal of excess internal air which guarentees product stability during the loading process
- easy to usewith highly developed autodiagnostic software
- No risk of cross contamination of products assured by our own copyright technology.
System options:
- Double welding system with the possibility to regulate the space between the two bars to a maximun height of 40 mm.
- Crimped paper closure system.
- Modified atmosphere packaging system
- Ink jet marking system
- Metal detector
- Weight control